Exhibition Royal Palace Amsterdam

Exclusive dinner of Swarovski delegation
High-end wedding cake for 450 people
Exclusive dinner of Swarovski delegation
High-end wedding cake for 450 people

Especially for the exhibition "De Prins en de Stad" (The Prince and the City) Jeroen Goossens made three imposing sugar confectioneries inspired by the predecessors of Jeroen in the year 1768.

In the sugar confectionery all kinds of references are made to the city of Amsterdam and to King William V. In those days the city of Amsterdam did not only want to show her wealth by means of the sugar confectionery, but also by means of the craftmanship that was available to her.

The raw materials that have been used in the sugar confectionery are amongst others caster sugar, icing sugar, protein, gelatine, cornstarch and gold powder.

Exhibition Royal Palace Amsterdam
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